Questions or Suggestions: [email protected]
Mike Kuhns (President) |
Ryan Flandro (Vice President) |
Hansel Patel (Treasurer) |
Ryan Kay (Secretary) |
John Testa (Baseball Operations) |
Cory George (Field & Facilities) |
Rich Arrigo (Fundraising & Events) |
Chris Feinthel (Travel Program) |
- Mike Kuhns (Seniors)
- Ryan Flando (Majors)
- John Testa (Rookies & Minors)
- Brandon Beards (Mantles)
- Steve Fertal (Bambinos)
- Chris Feinthal (Chair)
Chris Cebula (12U) Ryan Flandro (11U) Gary Mozingo (10U) Brian McCarthy (9U) Ariel Almora (8U)
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FULL BOARD Board Member
| Responsibilities
Mike Kuhns | President | Executive Board (Duties of the President, League Certification) |
Ryan Flandro | Vice President | Executive Board (Duties of the Vice President) |
Hansel Patel | Treasurer | Executive Board (Duties of the Treasurer, Finance Committee Chair, Uniforms & Coaches Apparel) |
Ryan Kay | Secretary | Executive Board (Duties of the Secretary, Fields & Facilities Committee) |
John Testa | Baseball Operations | Executive Board (Rec Program Coordinator, Game/Practice Scheduling, Registration)
Cory George | Fields & Facilities | Executive Board (Fields & Facilities Chair) |
Rich Arrigo | Fundraising & Events | Executive Board (Sponsorship & Events Chair) |
Chris Feinthel | Travel Program
| Executive Board (Travel Program Coordinator) |
Stephen Hoelper | Communications/Marketing Lead, Rec & Travel Program Surveys and Evaluations |
Brian McCarthy | Outside Baseball Events and Partnerships, Equipment, Umpires Committee |
Dominick Puzio | Safety, Disciplinary Committee, Sponsorship/Fundraising Committee
Steve Fertal | Rookies Division Coordinator, Fields & Facilities Committee
Ariel Almora | Disciplinary Committee |
Chris Cebula | Travel Committee, Coach & Player Clinics, Fields & Facilities Committee
Jim Bowen |
Clayton Siani | |
Jesse Jernegan |
Brandon Beards |
Gary Mozingo |
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